Meet your coach!

Hello there! My name is Meagan and I am excited that you’re here. I hope you begin to feel like you’ve met me as you read my words; maybe someday I’ll be able to meet you more officially! I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, event planner, and faith-based life coach. I know it may sound cliché, but I just really love people and I always have. To “love thy neighbour” is a feeling that comes naturally to me. If you are on your own walk of becoming more and more like Jesus, it may resonate with you that some of His characteristics feel natural to your personality while the rest (the majority) are an uphill battle and the application of these traits is a whole other story. Seeing someone thrive fills me with so much joy. I see struggles as room for improvement and shortcomings as potential. It’s not that I’m naïve to the fact that this world is riddled with darkness and evil, I just know my God is bigger, better, and brighter. I know He created you and I love His creations!  

This journey began long before I sat to type this (and turns out I sat typing this months before it actually got posted – if you’re working on something you feel called to, take this as your sign to keep going!). God put this venture on my heart years ago when I was still a university student. I went to university for Psychology – a decision I made when I was in the sixth grade (more on that in a different post). I thought I was going to get a bachelor’s degree in psychology (I did!), then proceed to get a master’s in counselling and ultimately keep on going for a PhD to officially hold the title of “psychologist”. Not only am I not “Dr. Meagan”, but my desires have also shifted. When we have so much of our lives planned out, it seems to be a great time for the Lord to come in and rework those plans. It’s easy for Him to know better when He knows everything! “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21 

I struggled with feeling unqualified to begin a journey of life coaching (I mean, life is a big topic). You may have heard the saying, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called”, I don’t know who said it, but I sure hope they’re right! I’ve been blessed to have support throughout my entire life from many different sources and I know that is a privilege many do not have. I hope that I can walk with you as you navigate your own life! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

What is Love Encompassing?

Welcome to Love Encompassing, a brand dedicated to helping people find balance, peace, and purpose through various means – one-on-one life-coaching, blogging, social media posts, and more. When I asked God for inspiration about naming this endeavor He laid it out to me, Love (what I aspire to be a vessel of) – Encompassing (the “ALL” part of doing ALL things with love). “Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 

Sometimes love comes in a tough form, “tough love”. So, I imagine there may be times that my words will not be received as a giant hug. It could be like hearing that convicting sermon at church that you are SURE God planned just for you. Or, the call to action that involves sacrifices or struggle but ultimately leads to triumph and breakthrough. 

My definition of love comes from the personification of love in a fully human, fully God form – Jesus Christ. There will be varying levels of acceptance from you, the reader, if your definition of love comes from a different source. It’s good for us to use discernment and get out of our echo chamber from time to time so we can consume things that challenge what we think we know. Social media algorithms often keep us in our bubble, but I hope we can both commit to popping that bubble in order to learn how to be in a place of mental discomfort that will expand our lives and make us grow as individuals! It is good for us to challenge one another, and it is good to learn how to be challenged. Let’s be growth-minded together!  “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17