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Alive and Fully Awake

Eleven years ago, I attended an Acquire The Fire youth conference. Recently, I came across my notebook from that event. It was interesting to see what my struggles were back then and what I was learning. I would have been 15 years old, and I was in my poetry writing

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Forever Learning

I turned 26 this month and I’m still waiting for that moment where it really hits me that I’m a grown up… it didn’t happen when I had the freedom a driver’s license offers, or when I graduated university, or even when I got married. As a kid, I always

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By His Power, Not Yours

When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God chose the prophet Moses to speak to His people and to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. I encourage you to read this scripture for yourself, it’s found in Exodus, but I will quickly paraphrase some of it.  Moses is immediately worried about how

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What’s Your First Reaction?

Have you ever found yourself going along your merry way when suddenly a wrench gets thrown into the peacefulness of your day? The line was longer than you anticipated so you’re running late, you cut your finger prepping dinner, forgot your wallet, feel a tickle beginning in your throat… the

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Love Everyone. Don’t Forget Yourself!

When we walk in the Spirit it is so much easier and feels more natural to love God, others and ourselves. Our hearts align with God’s desires, and He desires love. “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:14 We are His creation.

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What’s it Like Being Married to an Adrenaline Junkie?

I’ve been married since autumn of 2021, but I’ve known my husband since middle school. And I’ve known from the beginning that he loves a good hit of adrenaline from time to time; it used to really freak me out! I would always say “be safe” or “be careful” when

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